Find yourself a unique username that you can use on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, Twitch, or any online social media site. Mix letters and words to generate a truly unique and memorable username.
Select the “Compound” option to generate random usernames composed of two words that have been merged. They are generally less unique but easier to remember. You can specify the prefix or suffix word and the type of word it will be combined with. It uses a dictionary of the most commonly used nouns and adjectives that are usually 3 to 6 characters long.
Select the “Unique” option to generate random usernames composed of pronounceable syllables. Choose this if you prefer a shorter username. You can specify the initial letter/s or syllables and the tool will automatically detect whether it should be proceeded by a consonant or a vowel. It will then alternate between the two until it meets the exact username length specified. It works similarly to a permutation, except the results are always semi-readable names rather than being a completely random string. This type of username usually has a higher probability of being available or free.