Base64 Encoder

What is Base64 encode online

Base64 encode online is a web-based tool that allows you to encode binary data or text into a Base64 encoded string. Base64 encoding is used to represent binary data in ASCII text format, making it suitable for transmitting data through text-based mediums such as email or HTML. The encoded data can be decoded using a Base64 decoding algorithm or tool to recover the original data.

Here is an example of how the blog section of an XML document can be encoded using an online Base64 encode tool:

XML code:

    <title>Blog Post Title</title>
    <author>Author Name</author>
    <content>Blog post content goes here...</content>
    <title>Another Blog Post Title</title>
    <author>Another Author Name</author>
    <content>More blog post content goes here...</content>
  <!-- more blog posts... -->

Encoded Base64 string after encoding:


The encoded Base64 string is a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols that represent the original XML document in a different format. This encoded string can be used in various contexts where the original XML document cannot be used directly, such as transmitting the data through email or embedding the data into HTML or other documents that do not support XML natively. To decode the Base64 string back into XML, an online Base64 to XML converter tool can be used.